Now You’re Thinking With Portals

This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.

Companion Cube

You did it! The weighted companion cube certainly brought you good luck.

From now until May 24th, Valve has decided to give away copies of its award-winning game Portal for the low low price of $0.00.

Wait… WHAT?!?!

That’s right friends, for the next week and a half Valve is giving away full copies of this outstanding puzzle game absolutely FREE! Why are you still reading this? Go pick up your copy at right now!

And if you’ve been held hostage by aliens on the other side of the universe for the last 3 years (because that is the only way you could have managed to not hear about this game), here is an old, but very good, trailer that explains that sudden urge you have to download this game right now.

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This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.


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This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.



This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.

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