Category: Blogging

Time, Life, and Footage

In my last post, I mentioned I would be uploading a devlog for Roshambo Adventure to my YouTube channel. So where is it? I had planned for that video to be different from my previous devlogs. Rather than a short feature showcase of what I had worked on in the past week or two, I wanted it to be more of a look into my thought process and how my ideas changed and developed over time into the game that exists today.

It turns out that making that kind of a video is really difficult if you have no footage of the actual development process. I contemplated trying to rebuild some of the earlier versions of the game that I had gone through to record footage, but that seemed like a lot of work in the wrong direction just for a video. While I was debating how to approach this devlog, some things came up in my day job and my daily life that left me with less time and motivation than I would have preferred to work on the game and make blog or video content. Hence “the next few days” for a video turning into a month for a blog post explaining why there is no video.

I came across a post on r/gamedev1I don’t have a link to the actual thread, but I’ll update this post if I come across it again. that I thought was particularly insightful. The thread topic was about how to balance time between making a game and making devlogs. The post suggested that the key is to focus on your goal. If your goal is to make videos, then stop making games and make videos. If your goal is to make games, then stop making videos and make games. Every minute you spend making a video about your game is another minute closer to done your game could have been.

This insight made me realize that to make a video I would be happy with posting, the time investment is not worth the return. Blog posts here, however, are much easier to put together so I think going forward I’m going to favor blog posts for development content, and save videos for major milestone feature showcases.

In contrast to the previous times I’ve found motivation fleeting however, this time it’s not a function of having no direction. I find that my vision for what I would like Roshambo Adventure to be is still clear as day, and when I do sit down to work on it I don’t feel like I’m banging my head trying to figure out what I want the game to be or what I should work on next.

A New Chapter

It’s been a while since I’ve tried to do the blog thing. Every few years I’ll give it a shot, write a couple posts, and then forget all about it until the next time. I’m not promising this time will be any different, but I think I’m coming from a different direction this time; different mindset, different goal.

I’ll talk a bit about that in a different post though. I’d like to keep this one short and sweet. Welcome to the new site! Stick around and you’ll hear about the things I’m working on, or whatever other random thoughts I have. Or not… who knows?

I’m also debating about whether or not to migrate the posts from my older blogs here, more as a personal archive or a curiosity than because they contain anything of particular interest (they really don’t). If I do I’ll probably backdate them before this post so they don’t clog up the main page. If you’re presently reading through the archives and just got to this post, I guess I did that. Also, I apologize for the drivel you’ve just exposed yourself to. But then you chose to read that old stuff, so I guess it’s really your fault huh?

Comments Are Now Available

This post has been migrated from my older blog The Castle.

One of the goals I had with this blog was to keep the infrastructure simple. When I’ve tried to use full Content Management Systems like WordPress or Drupal in the past, I felt like I spent more time and effort customizing the site, updating plugins, and keeping it working the way I want that it just felt like work, which led to me not really spending much time on the real content: the posts.

For this blog, I opted to pass on all that and try out a static site generator which seems to be the new craze in website construction. There are a “couple” options available (See for a full list), but I also wanted to simplify the hosting situation. For that, GitHub Pages seemed like the perfect option, and that made the choice pretty simple since Jekyll is natively supported by GitHub. I’ve since learned that a couple others are also supported, and you can technically make any of them work if you upload the build artifacts manually instead of letting GitHub handle the build, but there are a fair number of guides and tutorials for Jekyll and GitHub Pages so it seemed like a good place to start.

I’m absolutely thrilled with how it has turned out so far! The infrastructure and hosting takes care of itself, and outside of some tweaks to the theme I’m using, I pretty much don’t have to touch anything. I just create a new markdown file for my post content, drop it in a particular folder, and push it up to my git repository. Awesome!

The only catch is that Jekyll out-of-the-box doesn’t support any kind of user-generated content, in particular comments. Comments are a pretty important part of a tech blog in my opinion. They let people easily point out coding mistakes in the posts and facilitate direct communication and discussion. In a field where discussion can make all the difference to what approach is taken to solve a problem or can have a direct impact on how people learn, that communication is critical!

It took a bit of work, but thanks to the awesome Staticman service, I was able to integrate comments into this site, have them fully embedded in the theme and design, and keep them version controlled right alongside my posts! Right now I have moderation enabled, so when you leave a comment it makes a pull request into my repository and I have to approve it before it will appear on the site. I may disable this going forward since I have reCAPTCHA working, but at least while I’m still tweaking the theme it’s useful to have that step in there. There’s also additional features such as reply notifications and threading that I haven’t tackled yet. I will probably work toward these at some point, but for now I’m happy with the basic comment setup.

It was not entirely trivial getting this all up and running, so you can expect a post walking through what it takes to set all this up sometime soon.

~ S

Welcome to The Castle!

This post has been migrated from my older blog The Castle.

Hello! Welcome! Make yourself at home!

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a blog. I wasn’t good at it back then, hopefully I’ll be a little better at it now.

In my day to day as a software engineer, I’m finding that more and more often I’m running into the scenario where I’m trying to set something up, and the instructions to do so are confusing, incomplete, or just plain wrong. It’s infuriating!

I decided that rather than continuing to scour the internet, pulling together bits and pieces from blogs, mailing lists, and Stack Overflow to get something working, then promptly forgetting all that information once it was up and running, that I should create that which I wish had existed; a single, complete, and correct write up of how to do what should be simple but for some reason is not. That is the primary type content that you’ll find here.

I’ll probably also be posting various thoughts and ramblings from time to time and I hope you’ll forgive me for that. Those may range from opinions and frustrations to simple updates about my weekend plans.

Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

~ S

Broken Like Shattered Glass

This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.

Broken Chain

Suddenly, a post!

Hello all. Between not much to talk about and working on other things, I’ve mostly stopped blogging as I’m sure you’ve noticed. But I still have this blog set as my homepage and I noticed that it was down yesterday. It turns out that CWahi had their servers hacked which resulted in many user accounts having their sites wiped out. Luckily the background databases remained intact (meaning posts, comments, the footer quotes, things like that were still there), but it meant that the WordPress installation along with all the content had to be re-uploaded.

As I no longer had copies of most of said content, I spent most of yesterday trying to replace it. I’ve done a pretty good job I think, all the videos have been replaced with embedded YouTube players, as I don’t really see the point in hosting the videos myself now that I can post videos of arbitrary length on YouTube, and all the images have been replaced as well.

If you find any broken links or missing content, be sure to let me know so I can get that fixed right up.

Update 5-1-2012: I managed to find copies of the Torchlight screenshots and the Nostalgia poster. All content should now be restored!

A Poster Is Worth How Many Words?

This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.

Just a quick update today. I’m still alive, I just haven’t had much to talk about recently. That, and the incredible amount of spam comments that have been piling up back here have somewhat demotivated me to write a new post. Luckily, I think I’ve got that sorted out so it shouldn’t be a problem anymore.

Anyway, you may notice a new section at the top of the blog. A few posts back I featured a Nostalgia poster that I had made myself. As I have now made a second poster, I decided to show these off next to my writings. Enjoy.

Out With The Old…

This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.

The old WordPress that is. WordPress 3.0 has gone live and this blog has been updated to it. If you notice any broken links, videos, or other things out of place around here let me know so I can get them fixed right up.

Grand Opening

This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.

Huzzah! I, Shaun Hamman, otherwise known as “Drakmyth”, have finally jumped on the bandwagon and started up my own blog. Until recently I have been content merely reading the thoughts of others. However, after participating in a very nice discussion on a forum I frequent I found that I was often having small discussions with myself on various topics. Unfortunately, I rarely tell myself anything I didn’t already know so these discussions got a little boring after a while. Plus, I have a tendency to agree with myself.

In any case, I decided to start up a blog. After searching around for a decent theme and coming up with a very catchy name, I looked around for a good free webhost. I stumbled across CWahi which was nearly perfect for such a thing, except that a misconfiguration on their servers caused WordPress’ admin panel to explode. After discovering the glitch however, webmaster Tony got it all fixed up and here we are!

So from now on this is going to be my little brain dump. Anytime I have a thought about something or have something interesting to share, I’ll write it down here and then we’ll see how your opinions differ from my own. So welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy your stay!