Category: Tutorials

CWahi Installation Tutorial #03 – Coppermine 1.4.26

This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.

School has been keeping me busy as of late, but I managed to dig up enough time to break out a new CWahi Installation Tutorial, this time covering Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.26. A few interesting notes on the tech side of this one: The previous tutorials were filmed and edited with Camtasia Studio 6. While Camtasia is certainly a decent recording/editing suite, I have upgraded my toolbox with some shiny new tools.

I learned that Fraps now has the ability to record your desktop, provided you are running the Aero desktop style (sorry XP users). Since I recently purchased a license I decided to give it a try and I am far from disappointed. For editing I stepped up my game to Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, with Adobe Media Encoder for the final compression. It took a little toying with settings, but the quality of the output, low file size, ease of use, and future possibilities with Adobe After Effects have made me a convert. There’s a reason Adobe products are so insanely expensive, they truly are the best-of-the-best and their price tag is well earned. Thank god for student discounts!

But I digress. Here is the video tutorial, and of course the accompanying HTML version. As an additional note, I have also added all my videos to YouTube. Due to YouTube’s restrictions, the versions hosted on this blog will have both higher resolution and will be a single video if it runs longer than 10 minutes (like the rather lengthy MediaWiki tutorial.) These videos can be watched on my channel at Enjoy!

Oh, and sooner or later I will reveal what that mystery picture was. When I’m ready…

CWahi Installation Tutorial #02 – Nucleus 3.51

This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.

Hot off the press and on the heels of my previous tutorial, I bring you the second CWahi installation tutorial, this time for the Nucleus CMS blogging platform version 3.51. As with last time there is also an HTML Version of the tutorial for the video impaired.

You may notice that this video player looks a little shinier than the previous one, and that the fullscreen button is working now. In the world of DIY video streaming, FlowPlayer is all the rage at the moment. David Busby of Saiweb was kind enough to wrap this great player up into a WordPress plug-in, which allows me to host these videos right off this blog! In other words: No time limits, no size limits, no content restrictions, and no re-encoding! I have replaced the clunky sevenload copy in the previous tutorial with this new player and will be hosting my tutorials here from now on.

The sole issue I have with this player is that the fullscreen mode doesn’t retain the aspect ratio of the video, meaning it will stretch vertically to fill the screen, but I’m told this will be fixed in the next version.

CWahi Installation Tutorial #01 – MediaWiki 1.15.1

This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.

I am proud to announce the release of the first in my series of CWahi installation tutorials. This video tutorial covers how to install MediaWiki 1.15.1. There is also an HTML version of the tutorial for those of you who are having trouble seeing the video.

Yes, I know the HD buffering is pretty rough, but sevenload is the only video site I could find that would allow me to upload a tutorial video over 10 minutes long and over 100MB. Everywhere else either had restrictions, or compressed the snot out of the video so you couldn’t see what was happening. Oh, and the last second or two is cut off. The last sentence I was about to say was “So good luck and have fun.” I may consider trying to install my own video player script on CWahi and just host these videos myself. If so, you can be sure you’ll see a tutorial on how to do so.

Very soon I will also be releasing a step-by-step HTML version of this tutorial for those of you who may not be able to view the video.

Update 12-19-2009: I have replaced the sevenload player with a self-hosted copy of the video powered by the Flowplayer for WordPress plug-in. The official home for all my tutorials is now here.