The Knight-Captain’s Remembrance

This post has been migrated from my older blog A Bad Case of Nostalgia.

Fountains Abbey by Karl Benson

Ivy creeps up these old stone walls.
Leaves fall from the sky and cover the halls.
Shadows hide from sight the ancient tapestries,
and the golden light of fire burns no more.

Many years it has been since I left this place,
and I come back now to find it nearly erased.
And while I see nothing but dust and rubble and moss,
my memory paints a picture of the past.

Scarlet carpets line the floors, as golden fire shines
from the torches adorning the walls, lighting tapestries of grand design.
The towers stand vigilant, keeping careful watch,
as the town below sleeps on into the night.

As I wander towards the throne room, my heart is filled with sadness
as the magnificent chamber has been robbed of all its grandness.
The windows are shattered, the shutters destroyed,
and yet I still see it all how it was.

The light through the windows make colors dance on the walls,
and the fire marble columns make you feel quite small.
But certainly the throne is the sight to behold,
the amber glowing a brilliant blue light.

But all that is gone now, the mist of sorrow pervading,
and so I move on, my memories reminding
me of what used to be. But I must leave,
else I too get lost in the folds of time.